Ambassadors Football Pittsburgh views football as a ministry, an arena for teaching principles of God’s Word. We are sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and pray for our athletes to develop a deeper desire for the thing of Christ. The Ambassadors coaches’ purpose is to be used for God’s work in the lives of athletes with which they have been entrusted. To fulfill our purpose as coaches and followers of Christ we must first acknowledge that we must lay the following three things at the feet of Christ in order to prevail in our own walk within coaching as we lead both teams and players.

John 3:30He must increase, but I must decrease


The love of football is what drives us to play or coach. Each player, coach, team, and country has differing views on how the game should be played, and often when our requirements of a good game are not met, it can be frustrating. Embracing the differences in people and the unique identities that God has given us, should help us put football second to the Cross. (Galatians 3:28)


Our own identity cannot be dictated by the results or moments on the football field – our identity is in Christ alone. (Galatians 2:20)


A common demise to many coaches is to rule over a team through micro-managing, trying to oversee everything, and ruling with an iron fist to show that they are in control. We lay the team at the foot of the Cross, take time to pray for players, and try not to worry about small infringements. But rather, we always look for the higher purpose. God is in complete control; He knows the thoughts of everyone and controls whether a player comes or goes. The team is ‘loaned’ to us by God and we are stewards of it until it is taken from us – treating the team likewise is important. (Titus 1:7-9)


Ambassadors Football Pittsburgh embraces a style of coaching that models the Biblical teachings of self-control and humility that respects our coaches, players, referees, and fans along with any opposing teams and clubs. During a practice, coaches have a 95% influence on the proceedings and in games it is only 5%. Our overriding motto during games is “let the players play” to encourage independent thinking, creativity, and problem solving. (Philippians 2:3-5)


Ambassadors Football Pittsburgh embraces a style of play that promotes ball control, passing, and possessing the ball. This allows players to be creative and gain the ability to execute the skills required for any position and overcome tactical challenges as they occur on the field. Training sessions are designed in adherence to this style and create an atmosphere where players can strive to be their best, be valued, have fun, and ultimately give glory to God. (1 Corinthians 9:24-27)